Since its inception in 2007, the CCP has emphasized public awareness and education about creators’ rights in various outlets and contexts including events we’ve organized or attended, publications we’ve released, or advocacy initiatives in which we’ve participated.  That mission is no less important today, given the continued technological development throughout the past seventeen years and with individual creators finding it harder than ever to leverage themselves in an increasingly competitive content marketplace.  In addition to curating informational articles and secondary source reporting covering important trends and developments, we provide selective commentary and insight on specific topics from thought leaders and industry luminaries.

The opinions expressed below are those of their authors, but they all resonate with respect for creators’ rights and content distribution for consumers’ enjoyment.  These are people we admire who have something to say and deserve to be heard.

“Taylor’s Guitar”: An essay on creative freedom

Recently, a viral video originating from Waxahachie, Texas made the social media rounds featuring the winning bidder of a Taylor Swift guitar immediately, publicly destroying it with the auctioneer’s hammer..........

Infringing Website Lists: Another Valuable Tool in the Anti-Piracy Toolbox

In March the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), “an advertising industry initiative to fight criminal activity in the digital advertising supply chain”, released an update in its campaign against ad-supported pirate.........

Looking Back at International Copyright Developments in 2018

It’s that time of year when we look back over the past year (probably in a vain attempt to predict what the New Year will bring), reflecting on important developments.........

On the Internet, Everyone Is A ____(fill in the blank)

Lots of words come to mind, none of which I plan to explore here other than to note, in passing, that the likelihood of the blank being filled with a.........

The WIPO Internet Treaties: New Zealand Will Soon Join 97 Other Countries as a Member (Thanks to the CPTPP)

Now that India has announced that it will join the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Internet Treaties (the WCT and the WPPT)[i], the number of acceding states will reach 97..........

A Declaration of Accountability for Cyberspace

I’m honored and delighted to address all of you at the Aspen Forum for the first time as President and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America. My colleagues.........

India Joins WIPO Internet Treaties: A Major Step Forward

On July 4, the Indian government announced that India will accede to the two WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Internet treaties, the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), 1996 and the WIPO.........

Educating Copyright – Daniel Fong, Senior Licensing Director, MPLC

Can you start by introducing yourself and telling us what your company does? My name is Daniel Fong and I’m the Senior Licensing Director for the Motion Picture Licensing Company.........

Copyright Developments Down Under: There’s a Lot Going On

The wheels of copyright change are grinding away in Australia, both through legislative review and court actions. I hesitate to call the process “copyright reform” because one person’s reform is.........

Google “Thumbs its Nose” at New Zealand’s Courts: Kiwis Should Look to Canada for a Precedent

Google is at it again. According to press reports in the New Zealand Herald, Google refused to comply with a New Zealand court order to suppress details and remove content.........

Antipiracy Enforcement in Malaysia and Jakarta

Last week I visited both Jakarta and Malaysia to discuss antipiracy enforcement in general (what works and what doesn’t?) and, in particular, to discuss some of our research on the.........

Is “Permissionless Innovation” and Avoidance of Regulation on the Internet Over?

It would be the ultimate understatement to say that recent events concerning the appalling breaches of privacy permitted and indeed orchestrated by Facebook have raised public awareness to new heights.........

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