CCP Roundtable Discussion
Please RSVP by Monday, 6 March 2017 to Amanda CHANG at [email protected] or call +_65 6416 8052 for any enquiries.
Photographs and videos may be taken during the event for news and publicity purposes.
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
1630 hrs
Wong Partnership Office
12 Marina Boulevard, Level 28
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3
Singapore 018982
Wong Partnership and the Centre for Content Promotion are pleased to invite you to a roundtable discussion with thought leaders in the academic sphere, music, film, and publishing industries on legal and economic perspectives on fair use in copyright law. The panelists are:
Dr. George S. FORD – Chief Economist, Phoenix Centre for Advanced Legal and Public Policy Studies
Dr. Burton ONG – Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
Mr. ANG Kwee Tiang – Regional Director, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), Asia-Pacific
Mr. Hank BAKER – Vice President, Motion Picture Association International (MPA-I)
Ms. Liesbeth KANIS – Managing Director, Business Development Asia, Brill Asia Pte. Ltd.
The session will be co-moderated by Mr. Frank RITTMAN of the Centre for Content Promotion and Mr. LAM Chung Nian, Head of the IP and TMT practices at Wong Partnership LLP.