Digital Future Symposium 2011
Event Date: 2nd December 2011
Event Venue
National University of Singapore
Shaw Foundation Alumni House Auditorium
- High-speed networks and their relationship to e-commerce
- Trends and developments
- Governments and regulation
- The academic view
- Regional solutions and global challenges
- Legitimate content and e-entrepreneurship
- Policy developments in Singapore
- Enforcement against online infringement
John Medeiros, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, CASBAA
Marie-Francoise Marais, President, HADOPI
Kevin Dickie, Senior Vice President, Content Group, Discovery Networks Asia Pacific
Avinash Himatsinghani, SVP & General Manager, Fox International Channels
Patrick Tan, Director, Product Development and Video Operations, Digital Home Group, Singtel
Sandy Monteiro, President, Universal Music Group International (SEA)
Candra Darusman, Deputy Director/Officer-in-Charge, Office in Singapore, WIPO
Dr. Milagros Rivera, Chair, Communications and New Media, Nation University of Singapore
Dr. Paul Watters, Associate Professor, Research Director of the Internet Commerce Security Laboratory, University of Ballarat
Dr. John Ure, Executive Director, Asia Internet Coalition
Eneng Faridah Iskandar, Senior Director, Digital Security Services Division, MCMC, Malaysia
Karyn Claggett, Senior Counsel for Policy and International Affairs, U.S. Copyright Office
Frank Rittman, Vice President, Deputy Managing Director and Regional Policy Officer, Asia Pacific, Motion Picture Association International
Robert Levine, Author
Ada Leung, Acting Deputy Director, Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong
Isa Seow, Managing Director, Centre for Content Promotion
Elizabeth V. Cardoza, Adj. Assistant Professor, Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore
Andrew Marshall, SVP Legal & Business Affairs and General Counsel, ESPN Star Sports
…and more!
Event Summary
Fiber networks and Next Generation Broadband Networks (NGBN) will impact consumer [word] in the coming years, with a proliferation of new services, applications, devices, entertainment channels, and social platforms promising ‘anywhere, anytime’ delivery of content and the potential to reach a wider base of audience than ever before. However, high speed networks also increase the ease and impact of online copyright infringements. What are the considerations affecting the development and launch of new business models? What’s going on (or not going on) in Asia and the rest of the world to encourage and promote new consumer experiences? What can governments do to help secure the infrastructure(s) for the region?
“Promoting Online Content: Is Asia on Track?” conference will be held at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House, National University of Singapore on 2nd December 2011. The conference is focused on the viability of online content distribution and will feature industry representatives, policy regulators, non-governmental organizations, and academics presenting evolving initiatives and ideas. The conference will also discuss efforts in the region and the rest of the world to address rights owners’ concerns to help stimulate the development of new business models.
Industry and government representatives will present their updates on regional technical or policy cooperation and how these may be relevant for the future viability of content in Asia. What other new technologies can help to sieve out illegal content? Solutions may be presented for cooperation between content owners, policy makers, and technologists in the Asia Pacific region.