Digital Future Symposium 2009
Event Date: 2nd December 2009
Event Venue
Suntec City Convention Centre
Contact the CCP for tickets and/or sponsorship opportunities at or
1130-1140 Welcome Address by YEO Chun Cheng, Media Development Authority
1140-1150 Welcome Address by Mike ELLIS, Motion Picture Association
1150-1200 Keynote Address by Dick LEE, Composer
1200-1220 Presentation by LI Qiankuan, China Film Foundation
1220-1300 Networking Lunch
1300-1430 The Business of Musical Composition by Charles SANDERS, Nina OSSOFF, Madeline YING
1430-1530 Copyright and Technology Developments by Frank RITTMAN, ANG Kwee Tiang, LEONG May-Seey, and Charles SANDERS
1530-1615 Tea Break
1545-1700 Asia Strategies and Recommendations by Isa SEOW, Bernard LANSKY, Michael HOSKINGS, and Philip WU
Event Summary
The primary objective of the conference is to encourage an awareness and understanding of the business of musical composition by exploring the relationships between composers, artistes, producers, and directors as potential channels for music. The conference will further explore business opportunities throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
Speakers include: Film producers and directors; Charles J. Sanders, Esq. SongwritersGuild of America; Nina Ossoff, songwriter; Mike Ellis, President and Managing Director, Motion Picture Association (MPA) – AsiaPacific; Li Qiankuan, Chairman of China Film Association and Head of the China Film Foundation; Dick Lee, composer; Frank Rittman, Regional LegalCounsel and Deputy Director of the MPA – Asia Pacific; Leong May Seey, Regional Dir(Asia), International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI); MichaelHosking, CEO, Midas Promotions; YeoChun Cheng, Chief Information Officer, MDA; Bernard Lanskey, Director, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music; Isa Seow, Managing Director, Centre for Content Protection (CCP); PhilipWu, Executive Chairman of GRID MMS Pte Ltd; Allan Nicholls, Department of Graduate Film, Tisch Asia; Lim Sek, Chief Executive, Music and Movement (S) Pte. Ltd.
The DFS seminar is an initiative under the MoU signed with the Media Development Authority(MDA) on Sept 9, as part of MDA’s agenda to develop a conducive business environment with a robust intellectual property regime and a pro-business regulatory framework.