Digital Future Symposium 2008
Event Date: 10th December 2008
Event Venue
Suntec International Convention & Exhibition Centre
Suntec City
1 Raffes Boulevard
Singapore 039593
1100-1130 Industry Overview
Yangbin WANG, Vobile Inc.
1130-1200 Content Producer Perspectives on Content Recognition
Jim WILLIAMS, Motion Picture Association of America
Alvin LEE, Time Warner
1200-1300 Lunch Break Networking Session
1300-1500 Content Recognition: Watermarking and Fingerprinting
Steven CHRISTIAN, Verimatrix
Ernst KELTING, Ipoque
WU Genliang, Pomoho
Sujoy ROY, Astar
Bradley HUNT, Hollywood Consultant
ZHAO Li, China DRM
1500-1530 Tea Break
1530-1715 Broadcast TV and Demonstrations
Fabrice MOSCHENI, Fastcom
Francois GALY, Conax AS
Chris HIBBERT, Walt Disney Company
1715-1730 Closing Remarks
Frank RITTMAN, Centre for Content Protection
Event Summary
The Centre for Content Protection (CCP) will be holding its second annual Digital Future Symposium in conjunction with the Asia Television Forum on 10 December 2008. Following the inaugural DFS event in 2007, this year’s event will focus on Digital Watermarking and Fingerprinting for Content Recognition. Topics for discussion include the technologies, applications (current and future), implementations and challenges relating to watermarking and fingerprinting technologies.
The Symposium will also assess the downstream benefits of such technologies and their application across different media. Convergence is an overarching agenda as content recognition applications will need to function across devices, platforms and standards effortlessly. We envisage full participation from content protection industry experts, content producers, technology suppliers, and regulators from across the Asia-Pacific region. Please contact the CCP Secretariat for more details.