CHRONICLES 2007 - 2010
The Centre for Content Protection was established in 2007 by three executives from the Motion Picture Association’s Asia Pacific regional office in Singapore. It was conceived as an advocacy initiative to promote the understanding that the growing demand for anytime, anywhere, and any-device entertainment relied on a solid foundation of technological protection measures and digital rights management information, which would help shape emerging business models in the entertainment industry.
Our founding members—a diverse consortium of over thirty technology and content companies—shared a common commitment to protecting the content that would drive the digital future. Research initiatives funded by these members resulted in influential ‘White Papers,’ [word], and [word], which were shared at conferences and seminars across the Asia Pacific region.
Governments recognized these outputs as credible and valuable sources of information on innovative developments shaping new consumer experiences. This led to a partnership in 2010 with Singapore’s Media Development Authority, fostering continued research, dialogue, and public awareness.