Centre for Content Promotion


Fast Track Southeast Asia 2015

CCP Conference


Time and Date


11 August 2015



12 August 2015


GSC Pavilion

Jalan Bukit Bintang

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Day 1

0900   MC Introduction by Jonathan CASE

0910   Welocming Address by Ybhg Dato’ Kamil OTHMAN

0930   A View from the Top by Frank RITTMAN, ANG Kwee Tiang, and Chris SLAUGHTER

1030   Updates from the Music Industry by Norman HALIM, Dr. ASUGAN, and Fernie CHIN

1100   Coffee Break

1120   Presentation by Nagravision – Stephanie LE DREAU

1140   CASBAA TV Panel:  New Business Models by Mark LAY and Chris SLAUGHTER

1300   Lunch

1345   Data and Telcos by Krishnan RAJAGOPALAN, WING Lee, and Fred CHONG

1440   Presentation by Conax – John KJELLMO

1500   Coffee Break

1520   Asian  Content by Takero GOTO, Marini RAMLAN, Uday SINGH, and Eric PEARSON,

1620   LA-India Film Council Regional Data Presentation by ERNST & YOUNG

1645   MC Summary and Q&Q by Jonathan CASE

1800   Networking Drinks


Day 2

0900   MC Introduction by Jonathan CASE

0905   Welcoming Address by Hasnul Hadi Bin SAMSUDIN

0915   Address by the World Intellectual Property Organization – Candra DARUSMAN

0930   Social Media by Clement GOSSE, Sham NORISHAM, and John LAI

1020   Presentation by Conax – Haruhiko MIYANO

1030   Coffee Break

1045   Technology and Devlopments by Reuben VERGEHES, Dr. Yangbin WANG, Dr. Michael KWAN

1130   Open Discussion

1200   Q&A and Closing Remarks by Jonathan CASE

Public CPD Points

Practice Area

Training Level